Luke 17:9- “Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do?”
Interpretation: Do servants get thanked for the work that they do? A master might show his appreciation by treating them with respect, but a true servant is doing their job and doesn’t wait for a thank you. My mother is a servant if I’ve ever met one. Always placing the wants and needs of her family before her. She sees it as part of her job of being a mother and does it without waiting around for a thank you. In fact, what matters even more than a “thanks” to her is the way we show her our appreciation. She would much rather me be excited to spend a day with her and treat her with admiration than to give her a plain “thank you” which could easily be taken as empty words without an action behind them. We serve the living God and Christ. We don’t sit and wait for God to say “thank you” to us in order to continue responding to His call on our lives, but He shows His love for us in so many different ways. Besides the biggest thing which is often over looked and over cooked! Dying for us! He showed us what we meant to Him before we were even conceived of in the minds of men. Other than that, we get to live a life of adventure hand in hand with the one true God of the heavens and the earth, have prayers answered and our faith strengthened, and at the end of it all we get to go to Heaven. We are all waiting to hear that Matthew 25:21, “Well done good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness!” That is not the end game though. The end game is Psalm 30:12, “…O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.” God the master doesn’t need to say thank you to us, because above being God the master, He is God the ultimate servant. As servants of God, we don’t need to be thanked for doing what we were told to do because our lives are just a response of His true servant’s heart choice to come to earth and suffer persecution and death so that we may live. That is why God is the best master.
Application: I will email my mom tonight and tell her I look forward to spending quality time with her while I’m home, in order to show my gratitude that she has been a Godly master and servant to me in my life.
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