Thursday, June 7, 2012

El Poder de La Cruz

May 14, 2012
1 Corinthians 1:23- “…But we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles…”

Interpretation: The power of the cross is the end game of Christianity. The power of the cross is the fruit of life. It is love so amazing that it was innocently and obediently led to death for the sake of the life of all who will put their faith in Christ alone. Why is Christ being crucified a stumbling block to Jews? Through the book of Acts Paul always preached in the synagogues first. He would bring up the scriptures and point towards Christ, but they always wanted to remain under the law. Romans 6:14 says, “For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace.” (Romans 7:5-6 also good) Jesus came for the sake of love and grace; He came not to enforce the law but to demolish it. Religious people do not want to accept this. No one is good but God alone, and no one can get into Heaven on their own righteousness. The cross of God is foolishness to Gentiles because they are not even trying to keep the law. Jews and religious leaders don’t want to recognize grace, while Gentiles just want to live a good life. What is the cross to me? Not a stumbling block but a stepping-stone, not foolishness but logic and beauty. The cross is the key to the lock I have slung over the 10 foot high stone wall prison I built to protect my heart. The cross sets us free, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. The cross is power. The cross is death, and the cross is life to those who seek it.

Application: I want to preach Christ being crucified, but I need to remember that my own words won’t make the ultimate difference. The word of God is what penetrates hearts, along with prayer. I will find my note cards today and write down people’s names on them who I know need prayer. In the mornings I can shuffle them and will pray for whoever comes up!

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